Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hey there!

Stephen and I went to see the Oncologist yesterday morning.  It went very well.  The doctor said that my PET scan from last week showed "no cancer activity" once again.  So relieved!  So happy!  So thankful!  He also said that July 31st marked my "one year".  They use the date of diagnosis as the anniversary date.  So according to the medical community I am one-year-cancer-free!  And according to him, the longer I go without recurrence- the greater chance it may never come back.  I choose to believe that God's got this, and that there will be no further issues. 

To monitor my health, I will continue to see the Oncologist every 3 months to check my blood work, and every 6 months I will have a PET scan done.  After 2-3 years I will go toward one scan per year and not sure how I will be monitored after the 5 year mark, possibly not at all!  Yay!

At the end of this month, I will get my port removed -  I do not want it in my body any longer.  It is a short surgical procedure scheduled for the 27th.  I am really looking forward to that!

And I am all the more looking forward to this Saturday morning as Stephen and I will be heading South to find a huge cruise ship to board which will take us to a few amazing Caribbean islands.  Sweet!  A celebration and a time to relax, reflect and enjoy the beauty!  Again, thank you Lord!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


One year ago today as our family celebrated my birthday at Macaroni Grill, I received a life-changing call…  The doctor said, “I have bad news and good news.”  “The bad news is you have Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and the good news is you will be a cancer survivor.”  We packed up our barely eaten dinners and made our way home as a family to grapple with this news.  Through much prayer, love, doctor appointments and medicines we stand different-stronger in ways and very grateful today.

We celebrate for my birthday and for becoming cancer survivors  conquerors.  Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who loved us  -Romans 8:37   This nasty disease could not have been overcome without leaning on our Creator and Great Physician and receiving His perfect grace.  Thank you, God!  Celebrate with me if you will.  Enjoy life, your loved ones and this wonderful day.  Lotsa Love to you all,  Shirley

If you would like more information, you may take a peek at the blog created for me by my talented daughter, Savannah, at  Feel free to pass it along if you wish.  Blessings to you all and your loved ones!

“God doesn’t waste anything we go through. He knows how to bring something good out of every situation”  -Joel Osteen

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Hello there! 

I know it's been a while - thought I would take a minute to catch up on the last several months.

January - I spent most of that month recovering from the December 26th-- last Chemo treatment.  And at the end of the month on one amazingly icy early morning - I witnessed the birth of my first Grandson, Soren Lind Wallace.  He is so absolutely precious.  You might say - the roads were treacherous - If only he could've been born a day or two early or a day or two later.  It was a bit scary getting to the hospital, but I would have to say God's timing was perfect!!  We are so blessed!

February and March -- Stephen and I deliberately paid attention to what was important in these months.  1) Physical Recovery 2) Being grandparents and 3) Ministry - small group  

I spent time with an amazing personal trainer, Michelle King from, who I absolutely adore.  If anyone reading this is in the San Francisco area look her up - she recently moved there and IS sorely missed here in Georgia.  She was instrumental in helping me with building stamina and physical strength.  Within two months the stairs did not appear to be insurmountable - I was able to actually run up them and miss a few too! This felt so good.

I have had the unbelievable pleasure of spending a lot of quality time with my oldest daughter and new grandson, watching him grow and watching my daughter be such a good mother.  Aw gosh –I love it!!

The small group held in my home has been a breath of fresh air – I treasure each lady in this group and am a better person for being around them.  They are truly unique and God-loving ladies!

April, May and June – were an honestly difficult for me.  I had a condition called a “frozen shoulder” - With all the Chemo that I went through, I did not experience pain like I did during this time.  It was terrible; after attempting Physical Therapy and things getting a bit better, I experienced a sudden strain, which made it even worse than to begin with.  It was then recommended that I have a non-invasive surgical procedure to break loose the scar tissue.  This could not be done while I was awake as it was too traumatic to the body.  –Stephen said that was the first time he’d ever walked in to a recovery room to find the patient crying in pain.  –It was a battle.  It was fought hard.  I have to really thank my Physical Therapist, Dr. Pam Buttram at Functional Improvements in Snellville.  She was so caring and accommodating, even though there were times she worked with me to tears, I will never forget her kindness and skill.

July --  Haa! – Now I will have to say I am starting to feel more like normal.  Thank you, Lord!  I continue to work toward Physical Strength, Pursue Ministry as God leads and enjoy the heck out of my loving husband and family!

Friday, January 31, 2014


My grandson was born on January 29th at 12:49pm.  He was 7lbs-13oz and 20.5" tall.  He is absolutely precious!  -I was able to be there during the birth and was totally honored and blessed by it!  --What a different perspective than being the one delivering.  My daughter, Savannah, was a champ.  I was stunned, amazed and proud of her strength.  My son-in-law, Jon, was so very tender and completely attentive to his beautiful bride.  I have to say this was one of the best days of my life.  Little Soren Lind Wallace decided to make his presence known during one of Atlanta's biggest winter "snow messes" in decades!  Miracle of miracles - we all made it to the hospital with the persistence of Jon and his father and the Lord's hand!   During my treatments, weakness and physical issues I concentrated on this day.  I did not know it was to be better than I could have even imagined.  Example: My Joy In Living!!!!!

Ephesians 3:20  The Message (MSG)

20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


My heart is so filled and overwhelmed.  First of all my dear God has gotten me through so much--I am so grateful!  Thank you, Lord.  I am healed, and your strength has sustained me.  The glory is Yours.

I must add; however, that my sweet loving husband, Stephen, has shown God's love daily with his strong arms and selflessness.  I am so blessed.  So many times over the last 6-7 months Stephen's love has transcended what I ever believed I could receive from another.  He continually amazed me with his attentiveness, tenderness and over-the-top love for me.  So hard to believe how much he loved me through this illness.  He continually encouraged me during times when I felt low.  He paid attention to my physical limitations when I was foggy and unable to care for the day-to-day details.  Again- soo soo grateful.  I will spend the rest of my life trying to love him back as much as he has loved me and show him that gratefulness.  Thanks to you my Stephen and Happy Birthday!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hope you all are enjoying your holiday season!  Yesterday was as beautiful a Christmas at home with family as I could imagine.  I do hope it was wonderful for all of you!  And that your New Year will bring in new possibilities and joy.

Today is my last Chemo treatment.  Yay!!!  - I know it will be about two weeks of yuk, but this time when I start to feel better, it will continue and I am sooo looking forward to "normal" and "doing life".  Not just existing in the "day-to-day", but truly experiencing life with a fresh perspective.  I want to experience new things, go to new places, serve God with more passion and boldness and engage and really enjoy the people around me.  There is a lot of life out there to live - I am going after it!  See you all soon!!!  Lotsa love to you!  Shirley

Thursday, December 12, 2013

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE... much it means when someone is down to reach out with a encouraging word, a thought, a hello, scripture or prayer through text messages, emails, cards, acts of kindness and gifts.

It truly has meant so much to me to have so many take a moment to show that they care.  I have received so many blessings over the last several months, and the moment you take makes so much difference to those struggling with illness.

I have received gifts of: beautiful blankets, scarves, hats, wonderful products to pamper myself with Lush products, yummy muffins and breads, along with fantastic meals brought to me with smiles, visits from people just wanting to say hello, loved ones have sat with me and encouraged me and have told me I am beautiful even when I thought that I wasn't. 

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all thank you!  You have blessed me by your kindness.  You have encouraged me with your prayers, and you have loved me unconditionally.  I will not forget.